Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Win Susan!!!

Thought you might find this interesting. Follow the "Lance link" to see a cool photo.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

You and your family have been on my mind a lot recently.
I'm sending this "Win Susan!" photo as an emblem of my support and positive vibes.
Just count me (along with Lance) as one of your well wishers,
Phillip "TigerMouth" Stern

From: Errorista
To: tigermouth
Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 1:31 pm
Hey -

This is Jodi, I'm Fat Cyclist Elden's sister. I'm putting together a photo montage for his family of the many people on this planet that are here to support them. I've noticed that you are one of these people, and would love it if you could email me a photo of your self holding a sign that says "WIN Susan" - along with your screen name or real name. I'm going to try to have these collected by the beginning of next week, so don't get too fancy, just do it, and email it to:

(not really very fat) Jodi

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