Thursday, September 11, 2008

an interview with the FatCyclist

I'm a big fan of  I even have a couple of FatCyclist bike jerseys.  As usual, today's blog post is amusing; it's about Lance returning to pro racing.
But the best reading is hidden in this postscript from Fatty:
PS: Cycling Utah, a printed monthly magazine, interviews me in the current issue. You can download a PDF here and discover how goofy and all over the map I am when people ask me straightforward questions.
The interview starts on page 2 and covers many of the interesting posts and events from the blog, including the weight loss contest and Win Susan photo sending campaign, both of which I participated in.  It also gives insight into Eldon (aka Fatty), the Lance Armstrong Foundation, we we enjoy cycling, and what is involved in writing a blog.

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